Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary verbs adalah kata kerja bantu yang secara gramatikal berfungsi membentuk atau memberi tambahan arti pada kalimat. Umumnya auxiliary verbs digunakan bersama-sama dengan kata kerja utama (main verbs) dan membantunya membentuk struktur gramatikal sebuah kalimat.
Ada tiga auxiliary verbs: to be, to do, dan to have. Be, do, dan have tidak mempunyai makna jika berdiri sendiri sebagai auxiliary verbs, meskipun begitu dalam bahasa Indonesia umumnya diartikan sebagai “sedang”, “telah”, “apakah”, atau “sungguh-sungguh”.
To Be
Auxiliary verbs yang biasa digunakan adalah be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been.Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to be biasa digunakan bersama past participle untuk membuat kalimat passive dan bersama present participle untuk membuat kalimat continuous.
- He is watching TV.- We are teaching you about helping verbs.
- Small fish are eaten by big fish.
- He was killed in the war.
- The agencies were completing the inventories.
- I will be seeing him soon.
- He had only been trying to help.
- The house is being painted.
To Do
Auxiliary verbs yang digunakan adalah do, does, did. Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to do biasa digunakan bersama-sama kata kerja utama (main verbs) membentuk kalimat pertanyaan atau kalimat negatif. Dan juga dipakai untuk memberikan tekanan atau menghindari pengulangan kata kerja utama. Auxiliary verbs ini dikenal juga dengan istilah dummy operator atau dummy auxiliary.
- Do you like bananas?- I don't feel like going out tonight.
- Where do you live?
- Don't forget to write.
- It doesn't matter if you win or lose.
- I didn't know what to do.
- What did you do with that notebook?
- He speaks faster than she does.
- I do understand.
To Have
Auxiliary verbs yang digunakan adalah have, has, had. Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to havedigunakan bersama main verbs untuk membuat kalimat perfect.
- I have completed my work.- She has acted in a film.
- They had forgotten to send the letter.
- Our guests have arrived.
- Has anyone phoned?
- I hadn’t seen him for fifteen years.
- Someone should have predicted these complications.
Be, do, dan have juga berfungsi sebagai main verbs atau principal verbs. Perhatikan contoh berikut dibawah ini.
- She is a good singer. (Principal verb)
- She is singing. (Auxiliary verb)
Auxiliary verbs juga biasa disebut dengan istilah helping verbs
Ada tiga auxiliary verbs: to be, to do, dan to have. Be, do, dan have tidak mempunyai makna jika berdiri sendiri sebagai auxiliary verbs, meskipun begitu dalam bahasa Indonesia umumnya diartikan sebagai “sedang”, “telah”, “apakah”, atau “sungguh-sungguh”.
To Be
Auxiliary verbs yang biasa digunakan adalah be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been.Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to be biasa digunakan bersama past participle untuk membuat kalimat passive dan bersama present participle untuk membuat kalimat continuous.
- He is watching TV.- We are teaching you about helping verbs.
- Small fish are eaten by big fish.
- He was killed in the war.
- The agencies were completing the inventories.
- I will be seeing him soon.
- He had only been trying to help.
- The house is being painted.
To Do
Auxiliary verbs yang digunakan adalah do, does, did. Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to do biasa digunakan bersama-sama kata kerja utama (main verbs) membentuk kalimat pertanyaan atau kalimat negatif. Dan juga dipakai untuk memberikan tekanan atau menghindari pengulangan kata kerja utama. Auxiliary verbs ini dikenal juga dengan istilah dummy operator atau dummy auxiliary.
- Do you like bananas?- I don't feel like going out tonight.
- Where do you live?
- Don't forget to write.
- It doesn't matter if you win or lose.
- I didn't know what to do.
- What did you do with that notebook?
- He speaks faster than she does.
- I do understand.
To Have
Auxiliary verbs yang digunakan adalah have, has, had. Sebagai auxiliary verbs, to havedigunakan bersama main verbs untuk membuat kalimat perfect.
- I have completed my work.- She has acted in a film.
- They had forgotten to send the letter.
- Our guests have arrived.
- Has anyone phoned?
- I hadn’t seen him for fifteen years.
- Someone should have predicted these complications.
Be, do, dan have juga berfungsi sebagai main verbs atau principal verbs. Perhatikan contoh berikut dibawah ini.
- She is a good singer. (Principal verb)
- She is singing. (Auxiliary verb)
Auxiliary verbs juga biasa disebut dengan istilah helping verbs
Primary Auxiliary Verb
Primary Auxiliary Verb terdiri dari be, do, dan have. Ketiga kata kerja ini dapat pula berfungsi sebagai kata kerja utama.
Tabel Fungsi dan Contoh Be, Do, & Have
Fungsi dan contoh primary auxiliary verb be, do, dan have dalam kalimat dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut.
Auxiliary Verb | Fungsi | Contoh Auxiliary Verb dalam Kalimat |
Be (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) | Auxiliary verb ”be” untuk membentukpresent/past continuous/progressive tense. Kemudian dapat pula ditambahkan modal willuntuk membentuk future continuous. | The maid is brushing the bathroom floor.(Present Continuous) |
They were roasting corns at this time last night. (Past Continuous) | ||
The party will be starting at this time tomorrow. (Future Continuous) | ||
Be bersama auxiliary have membentukpresent/past perfect continuous/progressive tense. Dapat pula ditambahkan modal willuntuk membentuk future perfect continuous. | The manager has been checking the documents. (Present Perfect Cont.) | |
The cat will have been sleeping long. (Future Perfect Cont.) | ||
Be untuk membentuk passive voice | Your cake is being eaten by him. (Passive Present Cont.) | |
The room was cleaned by my assistant last night. (Passive Past Tense) | ||
Do (do, does, did) | Auxiliary verb “do” untuk memberikan penekanan pada kalimat indicative (normal) maupun imperative, dan adverb of frequency. | I do finish my homework. |
Do open the door. | ||
Tina seldom does wash her shoes by herself. | ||
Do untuk mengajukan pertanyaan (question tag[1], Yes-No[2], dan Wh-question[3]). Dapat pula digunakan untuk mengajukan clarifying question[4] (pertanyaan klarifikasi) berhubungan negative statement (pernyataan negatif) sebelumnya. | You do love me, don’t you?[1] | |
Did you see him yesterday?[2] | ||
What does she want from you?[3] | ||
“Diana didn’t have much money.” “Then who did borrow me?”[4] | ||
Auxiliary verb ini bersama not untuk membentuk kalimat negatif | I do not like coffee. | |
She didn’t come last night. | ||
Do untuk membuat short answer (jawaban pendek) | Yes, I do. | |
Yes, she does. | ||
Auxiliary verb ini dipadukan denganconjunction so dan neither untuk mengekspresikan similarity (persamaan) dandifferences (perbedaan). | My brother loves sport and so do I. | |
I don’t want to spend my money unwisely;neither does my friend. | ||
Have (have, has, had) | Auxiliary verb “have” untuk membentuk perfect tense | Dira has studied in French since April.(Present Perfect) |
I had already had breakfast by the time he picked me up. (Past Perfect) | ||
Have dikombinasikan dengan modal untuk mengekspresikan possibility (kemungkinan) dimasa lalu. | He might have realized his mistakes. | |
My father may have read this book. |